In our daily life, we often use animal of luck. Many celebrities believe in them, store them, and believe that, thanks to them, they have managed to achieve the success in career. Your attention is several ways of how to make a talisman of good luck with your own hands.
If you make a talisman of good luck with your own hands, will be that it will helpEven if you consider yourself a successful person, still a little bit of luck you can't hurt. It is for this reason that you need to make a talisman of good luck. Luck is an important element for the success of any business and the undertaking, and, therefore, with this, an object's magical luck that your life will certainly improve. You can get your own mascot three possible ways:
- by chance find;
- make your own hands;
- buy in the store.
Depending on which option you choose, depends on how powerful the effect will be.
An excellent talisman of luck can be found accidentally on the waterfront of the shells or fancy stones. Four-leaf clover is an option of lucky mascot, known for its power since ancient times. If near your house there is a plant, you can confuse the search of the flower, with four petals. Dry the plant and use it always with a safe and sound. You can make a pendant in your neck, using a transparent cabochon.
There is the widespread belief that all of the randomness are not random and, therefore, unexpectedly found things, perhaps, were meant exactly for you. Your sixth sense says that it is a stone or ракушку choose among a myriad of others. You see, from an object to make a talisman of good luck. If you want to, to your luck you brought me the stone, then go in search of a river or the sea on the coast. Findings random not in need of ritual purification, or energy load. This, in the opinion of many, the gifts from on high.
Currency is a symbol of good luck and wealth. If you find the product, released in the year of its birth, then, to consider that this is a great luck. The currency can be used as a mascot of your lucky, professional, and financial.
If You are not able to in the search findings, you can make a talisman of good luck with your own hands. It is a very good alternative, because in the process of creativity, the thing will already feasting on their energy. You will not need to get used to the new things, as happens with the products purchased. More often than self-made mascots you need to activate. For the magical item he has always had the power, constantly, to nourish their segments.
You can do monthly, herbs and bags, frames, metal products, for example, of a horseshoe, and other things. You are not limited to: do everything that you are sure that it will work. Some people want to do with your own hands is not only unusual product, and the magic of talismans, filling them with magical power.
Try to fabricate themselves in any object of jewelry, a keychain or any other simple thing. Do not try to create a product with the complex technology of manufacturing, if you are not sure of the success of this business.

4 ways on how to make a talisman of good luck with your own hands
Ribbon embroidered elements
In antiquity, people worshipped the sky, the light fixtures and the rudiments, considering that they have magical powers. And this is not by chance: the element, the moon, the sun, in some degree of influence on the state of the human body, so they can form the basis for the manufacture of the protector of the mascot.
For creativity, it is necessary to: natural tape bright red, or color gold, colored, a-line (from natural materials), the needle. It is not possible to use synthetic materials, natural, made of silk or cotton fabrics. Line can be of wool. This kind of good-luck talisman is very easy to do, and do it will cost very cheap, but the process requires perseverance.
Armed with a needle with dental floss, embroider the designs of the sun, moon, earth, air and water elements. This can be, and the individual elements and their combinations. The silos in the images does not add to the appeal. All the details you should consider. To make the embroidery of the moon, to you silver, or a shade of orange, the sun, of course, must be yellow, the water blue, the land brown, and the wind gray.
Such homemade lucky mascot will be the ability to protect you and your family from all negative situations, as well as to attract wealth, luck and peace of mind.
Costume based on the sign of the zodiac
To make a magic item of the same luck, you can take based on your zodiacal sign. For example, in function of the mascot may be of stone or even a figurine of the animal, which represents the cycle of the zodiac. That rocks, you can use?
- Овнам – amethyst, heliotrope.
- Bull – jadeite, agate.
- Twins – pomegranate, beryl.
- Cancers – emerald, calcite.
- Lions – ruby, serpentine.
- Virgin – jasper, kyanite.
- Scale – a diamond.
- Скорпионам opal, cat's eye.
- Archer has turquoise, lapis lazuli.
- Козерогу – onyx, malachite.
- Водолею – sapphire, obsidian.
- Fish – хризолит, stone of the moon.
These stones are animals of luck, and many of them do not attract wealth. Therefore, to make a magical item in the money and your luck, use the, and the second component – currency.
The currency can be anything, simple or with some value, known only by you (for example, wedding gift, souvenir and travel т. д.).
To check out the an object of power, it is necessary to do the following: when the moon is full, lower the coin in a container with water and place on the window sill so that the light of the moon exposed in the vessel. You should ask the moon to give its currency the force of gravity good luck and wealth. The water is a kind of lens, stripping the action of the moon, just as a magnifying glass necessary for a fire.
To store the mascot is required to make the case red – case of velvet, decorate the that can be embroidered your name or initials. In addition to the name, to the decor, and amplification magic of the object can be embroidered also magical runes. In this case, you will be able to keep their mascot – the stone and the coin. While in the bag, they are mutually, the energy and the strength, that will bring you wealth and good luck. The mascot should not be the object of world heritage, and their personnel subject: you may not lend, give, show to anyone.
If you decide to make a talisman of good luck alone, look for the appropriate полено and sharpen the knife. The tree can be used absolutely any, but strong, and not the old stuff. Depending on your talents and skills, you can cut it with a knife animal, human, doll or regular geometric body. The main rule is to not let edges. In the case if you choose to make a cube, make the corners round. The main part to the costume we have now, you must apply the image of runes, which bring good luck.
It should be remembered that the runes are very intense, symbols, therefore, in the process of formation of the base and cut more runes is very important to keep in mind that you want to invest in your mascot. For example, if you want, to who you always were lucky and were able to, why not take and repeat to yourself: "I always lucky and everything is possible!".
When applied runes do not hurry, first, feel the material and only after that start to cut the runes. Causing the signal to the mascot, say the name of runes, its value, and all that she is on. It is very important, for the application of runes you have developed a combination of meanings, of images and meanings. Only in this case can result in a strong magic talisman for good luck.
The magic of wax
If you believe in magical properties for this ritual, you can do very powerful talisman, that brings a huge success and great wealth. In addition, the more you believe in your power, the better it runs.
First, find a candle: it must be of small dimensions, but the most important – he must like. It does not matter, what will be the tint, that way, it is important for you to "lay in it the soul". To make the plot better in the crescent moon
.Place the candle inside of the glass, switch on, a. You do not need to learn some special words, just try to express your desires and convey your energy before sailing. The candle is not потухла dispute, part of tell her all your wishes and dreams, and also share your fears. Slowly disappearing wax вберет of your wishes, experiences and bring you, in the future, luck, and the elimination of adversity.
Melted after the burning of candles of wax need to leave at rest until complete solidification. Standards of wax, and there is a reflection of your energy.
Застывшую action figure, the resulting wax, you can put on the stock exchanges medallion, which will be your talisman of good luck and wealth. As an option, you can use a bag of fabric, a toy or proper monthly. Magic Item luck and wealth should always accompany you and will never abandon his owner. Just so the costume will be able to put into practice all of its functions and to bring luck and financial prosperity.

If you is something that very much want, but your desire is not realized, the need to help himself in its execution. For this you need to do a simple ritual. Take any object of jewelry, for example, the o-ring. Select the day, when the moon will rise, just as it is the time in which you can change your life for the better, to add new events. On this day, you should dedicate on rituals, left alone, and not engage in any other works. The time is also of great importance: if the sky is cloudy and the moon cannot be seen, it is best to perform the ritual on another day.
Before you start to commit a ritual to clear the magic ring, it does not matter, it has already been previously used or is it only thing purchased. For the cleaning of the mascot of your luck, you will need a small cup with water and kitchen salt. Soak it in the water and say the following:
Vodicka, vodicka, clear the ring of all evil, of all unnecessary. The water has all unnecessary. The ring becomes an before my eyes.
Give the ring to lie in the water for 5 to 10 minutes. Then, it causes devastation in the cup, put your costume and get out of the house. If you do not have the desire to go out on the street, at least, go to the counter. Take a look in the evening light, came out to meet him pull out the brush, on which to put the ring, and say:
The light of the moon, help me! Ring of luck (love, wealth, health and т. д.) zaryadi!
After you do this, clear the decoration and leave it on the window sill of the balcony. Go to sleep. In the morning, when you wake up, immediately put the good-luck talisman and проговорите:
Ring in me! Luck (love, wealth, health and т. д.) me!"
As you can see, it is very simple to do! Remember that, in the manufacturing process the importance of, and the material from which it is made his ring: silver helps to find your love, gold to make you rich, the tree will have a positive impact on the health status, and jewelry metal simple make life and fill your harmony. On the other hand, you can always change the existing rules and to make your decoration of silver has brought him financial well-being. Do not forget to talk with your good-luck talisman, to recharge their energies.
Ancient people deified the sun, worshiped him, believed in him as god. Even now, in our life, there is present a sense of magic, associated with the sky an object. The sun symbolizes the power and the light, bestows the blessing and the purification from all over the world, causes that the forces of darkness to submit as well. So, if you decide to make a talisman of good luck with the symbolism of the sun, can not doubt in your power and efficiency.
First you need to choose the suitable material, the color it should be, or yellow, or orange, in the worst case – white. If you already have this fabric, so well – you can save on your purchase. When the material is found, it is time to start the magic ritual.
The ritual must be performed on a crescent moon, and during the day, it is better for the middle of the day when the Sun has the most powerful energy. Place the prepared material of five minutes on the surface, well-lit by the sun. Take the material and say:
Always in the hands of the happiness you bring, I'm going with the luck throughout the year!
With the aid of scissors, make two circles with a diameter of about 20 cm and cut into 16 strips of the same size. In nine of errands, write something about what you are dreaming of. For example: "the Luck will always be with me!", "All of my initiatives will be crowned with success!", "My desires are necessarily will come true!" and т. д. In addition to the desires, you can also cause some kind of magical, images for scraps, sneezing, favorite toilet water or lubricate the essential oil.
From 16 ribbons make eight rays, sewing the two strips together. At each radius, attach a note, open the wool. From a prepared fabric circles to form the through-the-sun. Product fill a cotton swab and sew to the sun called лучики.
A talisman of good luck ready for use. If you want, so that it actually works, you must keep it always with him, touch him, talk with him about his plans to devote himself in its secrets, to share concerns.